About Us
Sheaffer Spray Foam is a spray foam insulation contractor based in Strasburg PA. We offer open cell and closed cell spray foam insulation services in Lancaster PA and surrounding areas. Our company is based on the belief that our customers' individual needs are of the utmost importance. Since no 2 foam jobs are the same we pride ourselves on creative and personalized solutions to meet your exact needs. When we come to look at your job we listen to your needs, educate you on the different types of foam insulation available, and explain the application process. Our sales approach leads to happy, well educated customers that often refer us to their friends and family. Due to this approach a large amount of our business is through referrals.
If you have need for foam insulation we would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the foam industry. You can reach Sheaffer Spray Foam by calling us at 717-687-8018, emailing us at info@ssfoam.com or by contacting us.
Sheaffer Spray Foam proudly sprays GACO WESTERN open cell foam and closed cell spray foam insulation.